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Welcome Language Lovers! 

Having started with its virtual Language Academy, Le Phénix-Ottawa Enterprises Inc. was born in March 2020, at the very beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, from the idea of ​​offering language lovers a professional space for their new language development. As you know, a little guidance goes a long way for a tenacious soul. Our innovative approach and experience in teaching languages guide you to reach your objectives. Learning a new language indeed requires sustained effort and motivation. As the Stoic philosopher, Seneca so aptly points out, "Only battles that have not been fought are lost in advance!" Or again, "It is not because things seem difficult to us that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they seem difficult to us." Building on this wisdom, Le Phénix-Ottawa prepares you for a successful future. Discover how we can help you! Our courses have been designed with your success in mind and should be simple to manage. Take charge of your own learning. Start your journey now! We're here to help!











«...We don't always know what will happen next but we need to have faith and trust in the process.» 

-  De Tracey, Jennifer, Lift Strategies (2012), p.1  -





Le Phénix-Ottawa Enterprises Inc. 

Online French, English, German and Spanish Learning

Home: Welcome Language Lovers!
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Meet A True Language Lover!

                                                                 Your Master Instructor Fidèle Francis:

“My passion for languages ​goes back to my childhood. Coming from a family of French-speaking instructors in Congo (DRC), I had the good fortune to undertake my classical literary studies in the beautiful language of Molière, Léopold Sédar Senghor, Voltaire, Bernard Dadié, Charles Baudelaire, Camara Laye, Victor Hugo, Jean de la Fontaine, Alphonse Daudet and many other immortals, under the tireless supervision of both French and French-speaking instructors. 
At 14, I started learning Latin in the High School and English as a second language through teachers and native speakers from England and the United States of America. At 19, I discovered the charms of the German language, which I then learned in immersion through my studies and work opportunities in Germany and Austria for at least sixteen years. Although my knowledge of Spanish and Russian is rudimentary, I can still read and understand the basic instructions in both these languages. The study of classical Greek and Hebrew at University is also part of my academic career. Today, I can proudly boast of being a polyglot, who is fluent in at least five international languages ​​(French, English, German, Lingala, and Kikongo). My command of the French language has been a driving force in my career.

                                                                           My Training: Your Guide

I'm currently a doctoral candidate in Social Sciences/Religious Studies in Ottawa and Montreal, and a holder of the DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française, obtained from the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research with mention "Excellent" - A+) Level C2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages. I am also a holder of the CNCLC (Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks) Training Camp Certificate. 

                                                                       My Commitment: Your Success

"My students describe me as a warm, accessible, and enthusiastic teacher. I am committed to using tools and techniques that will meet your unique learning needs and support you in successfully meeting challenges. As an illustrious thinker put it so well, «making others love what you have loved is the best way to stop time». Indeed, excellence has always been a priority, both in my professional and private life. Acquiring proficiency in a new language is certainly a great challenge, which only the most motivated learners can overcome. But the ultimate benefit of a language learned and spoken lies in its power of communication and exchange”.

Fidèle Francis Buloki bwa Kiala

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world!" (Nelson Mandela)

"Lass dich nicht von dem beunruhigen, was noch kommen soll ! Wenn es dir bestimmt ist, wirst du die Zukunft schon erleben - im Besitz der gleichen geistigen Kräfte, mit denen du jetzt die Gegenwart meisterst." (Mark Aurel) *

* Don't be alarmed by what's to come! If it is destined for you, you will already experience the future - in possession of the same spiritual powers with which you are now mastering the present." (Mark Aurel)

Meet A True Language Lover!

Individual and Group Class Options:

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."  (Robert Louis Stevenson)

$ 60 / 1h30 ($ 45 for Students) 

Individual classes

90-minute virtual course x 1 x / week x 12 weeks:

$ 60 x 1 x 12 = $ 720 / person

  • Preparation and conduct of courses

  • Worksheets

  • Homework correction

  • Various cultural activities (karaoke, guided tours, theater, guitar lessons, etc)

  • Global introduction to Canadian and French cultures themes

  • Personalized learning adapted to each student

  • We offer the 1st class for only $30  (trial offer)

  • 2 payments of 360 x 2

$50 / 1h30 ($ 45 for Students)

Special offer (2 to 7 participants)

90-minute virtual course x 2 / week

x 12 weeks: 

$ 50 x 2 x 12 = $ 1200 / person 

  • Preparation and conduct of courses

  • Worksheets

  • Homework correction

  • Various cultural activities (karaoke, scrabble, theater, guided tours, guitar lessons, etc.)

  • Global introduction to Canadian and French cultures themes

  • Personalized learning adapted to each student

  • We offer the 1st class for only $30 (trial offer)

  • 3 payments of $ 320 x 3

$ 60 / 1h30 ($ 45 for Students)

Normal offer (2 to 7 participants)

90-minute virtual course x 1 / week

x 12 weeks:

$ 60 x 1 x 12 = $ 720 / person

  • Preparation and conduct of courses

  • Worksheets

  • Homework correction

  • Various cultural activities (karaoke, guided tours, theater, scrabble, guitar lessons, etc)

  • Global introduction to Canadian and French cultures themes

  • Personalized learning and support

  • We offer the first class for only $30 (trial offer)

  • 3 payments of $ 160 x 3

Course Offers

Knowledge for Every Level

As the saying goes, "failing to plan is planning to fail." At Le Phénix-Ottawa, we adapt classes to your individual development. We also offer group classes, highly qualified teaching staff and exciting content for a pleasant and stimulating learning experience. Remember: In your masterclass, there are no mistakes, there are only lessons!

(The Master-Instructor) 

Student Writing

Level 1 (A1/A2) - Beginner : You have a passion for languages and you want to learn a new one or to refresh your favourite one.

At the level of both oral comprehension and expression as well as that of written comprehension and expression, the beginner level normally requires the acquisition of rudiments or the basic knowledge of a language. In principle, the learner should be able to:

  • Learn the alphabet, nouns and pronouns as well as the conjugation of regular verbs and the basic rules of grammar or syntax (that is, those which govern the structure or order of words in a sentence);

  • introduce yourself to an interlocutor by providing most of the personal information;

  • understand the essentials of a conversation by recognizing common expressions or familiar subjects;

  • listen to and understand the essentials of the instructions given by the tutor or service attendant.

Students Typing at Their Computer

Level 2 (B1/B2) - Intermediate : You are able to read a simple text and to express yourself in many everyday situations.

The intermediate level presupposes the previous level and deepens the basic knowledge required to progress in mastering the language. Therefore, the learner is expected to understand, among other things:

  • the essentials of a short and simple communication, relating to ordinary life;

  • important instructions or information regarding television news or weather report;

  • the recommendations of his employer or those of the doctor concerning a medical examination or a prescription;

  • the main and secondary ideas of a text of one to two paragraphs and being able to interpret them;

  • the essential information contained in an advertisement or leaflet, short newspaper articles, etc.


Level 3 (C1) - Upper intermediate : You are proficient and able to speak in a working or business environment.

Learners of the advanced intermediate level will be required to approach and analyze excerpts from dialogue or texts mainly focusing on current events or general culture, in order to demonstrate their ability to express their own opinion on a specific subject, orally or by writing, in particular through:

  • a 15 to 20 minute oral presentation of a newspaper or magazine article, a short or a feature film;

  • a detailed and reasoned report of any procedure, in areas such as the environment, IT, health care, political debate, road traffic, etc.

  • a more or less precise and clear summary of events or phenomena related to their professional and social experience;

  • a presentation on complex subjects such as the economic recession, cultural diversity, immigration, pandemics in the recent history of the planet, etc.

 Level 4 (C2) - Advanced : You are now speaking fluently and with ease.

At the top, the learner is normally expected to meet more demanding challenges than those of previous levels. She or he should be able to:

  • speak fluently and easily, ideally using a rich and varied vocabulary;

  • provide detailed and reasoned information in a conference, a meeting or from a daily newspaper about a public event, a literary or artistic work;

  • planning and leading a conference, chairing a meeting or a scientific debate while respecting the stages and procedural rules of such an activity;

  • express her or his ideas in an argumentative and analytical debate, concerning a specific topic, official documents, current events or a research question before his colleagues or a jury of experts;

  • make a detailed report on culture themes, conversation from the texts, etc.

Testimonials From Learners

Join them now on their journey and improve your language skills!

"Without reservation, I highly and sincerely recommend Fidèle Francis as a French instructor. He is a gifted, enthusiastic, and experienced teacher who brought me from basic comprehension of French to intermediate-level speaking and writing in three short months. He will quickly identify your needs as a student and adapt the classes to meet your personal interests. I am happy to continue learning French from Fidèle in the years ahead, as this investment in my language skills will surely lead to full bilingualism. Merci de tout coeur, Fidèle!" (Dr Matthew, Carleton University, Ottawa)

“Mr. Fidèle Francis K.B.'s French course is very enriching and largely meets the expectations and needs of students. He is not only satisfied with lessons planned in the program, but he provides learners with additional working documents and tasks. The session goes so fast that we forget that it's a Thursday evening. ” (Raja)

"I understand that this evening's class will be our last class, so I am very disappointed by this circumstance. I would like to participate to thank you for your fantastic teaching! Anyway, I want you to know that I really appreciated all of your help during this course. Thank you for everything." (Nicole)


"Thank you for everything, Coach! You're a great Teacher!" (Mateo)

"Hi, Fidèle. Thank you for helping me learn and improve my French! ” (Claudia)

"Here's my reaction to the article and the song. I appreciate your excellent teaching. Thank you very much Fidèle! " (Jin)

"Please find attached the answers to the tasks you have assigned to us. It was a real pleasure to learn from you! I hope we will see again each other. Thank you." (Hossain)

Hello, I received my result this morning and I got a C ! Thank you so much, Fidèle Francis, for your support and help over the past four weeks. (Breann)

Thank you very much for the documents! I appreciated your teaching during the training. It was a good way that matched my learning style! (Jennifer)


"Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear." (George Addair)

Testimonials From Learners

Credentials and Reference Letters

"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be" (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Reference Documents and Letters
Ignite Your Passion For French, English, Spanish, Latin or German And Discover Our Learning Community!


Le Phénix-Ottawa is your partner in the language learning space. We offer courses adapted to your individual requirement, online or at home, and we find success in helping our learners improve their language skills. Our team at Le Phénix-Ottawa will take you each step of the way to find the right program designed to meet your needs and your budget. Our digital meeting spaces, Conversation Clubs  «Accents Francophones», «Hello, Welcome!», «¡Buenos dias! ¿Hablas español?» and «Guten Tag!», as well as Book Clubs «Café Littéraire», «Let's Read Together», «¡Bienvenido a Canada!» and «Sprechen Sie Deutsch?» offer you the opportunity to put into practice the concepts you've learned during your lessons! 




La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure :
Nous l'allons montrer tout à l'heure.
Un Agneau se désaltérait
Dans le courant d'une onde pure.
Un Loup survient à jeun, qui cherchait aventure,
Et que la faim en ces lieux attirait.

Qui te rend si hardi de troubler mon breuvage ?
Dit cet animal plein de rage :
Tu seras châtié de ta témérité.
Sire, répond l'Agneau, que Votre Majesté
Ne se mette pas en colère ;
Mais plutôt qu'elle considère
Que je me vas (1) désaltérant
Dans le courant,
Plus de vingt pas au-dessous d'Elle ;







(Jean de Lafontaine, poète, moraliste et dramaturge français - 1621-1695)

(1)"Tous ceux qui savent écrire et qui ont étudié, disent "je vais" [...] mais toute la cour dit "je va", et ne peut souffrir "je vais", qui passe pour un mot provincial ou du peuple de Paris" (Vaugelas)

Et que par conséquent, en aucune façon,

Je ne puis troubler sa boisson.
Tu la troubles, reprit cette bête cruelle,
Et je sais que de moi tu médis l'an passé.
Comment l'aurais-je fait si je n'étais pas né ?
Reprit l'Agneau ; je tette encor ma mère!

Si ce n'est toi, c'est donc ton frère.
Je n'en ai point.

C'est donc quelqu'un des tiens:
Car vous ne m'épargnez guère,
Vous, vos Bergers et vos Chiens.
On me l'a dit : il faut que je me venge."
Là-dessus, au fond des forêts
Le loup l'emporte et puis le mange,

Sans autre forme de procès.


Julie Ann and Fidèle Francis at Jean de la Fontaine's Birthplace, Chateau-Thierry, Paris-Nord (France) - July 28, 2019

Discover Our Community
Our Mission: Teaching with Professionalism and Passion!

“Every second we can be reborn. Every second can mark a new start. It's a choice. It's your choice!." (Clearwater) 
We are on a mission to help you become better at French and other languages. As a group of experienced teachers, we enjoy sharing our knowledge in a language that everyone is able to understand.



Maître Corbeau, sur un arbre perché,
Tenait en son bec un fromage.
Maître Renard, par l'odeur alléché
Lui tint à peu près ce langage :

Et bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau,
Que vous êtes joli ! Que vous me semblez beau !
Sans mentir, si votre ramage
Se rapporte à votre plumage,

Vous êtes Le Phénix (1) des hôtes de ces bois.

À ces mots le Corbeau ne se sent pas de joie,

Et pour montrer sa belle voix,
Il ouvre un large bec, laisse tomber sa proie.

Le Renard s'en saisit, et dit : Mon bon Monsieur,
Apprenez que tout flatteur
Vit aux dépens de celui qui l'écoute.
Cette leçon vaut bien un fromage sans doute.


Le Corbeau honteux et confus
Jura, mais un peu tard, qu'on ne l'y prendrait plus.




                                                     (Jean de Lafontaine, poète, moraliste et dramaturge français - 1621-1695)

(1) Le Phénix est un oiseau fabuleux, mythique, toujours seul de son espèce, qui, après un siècle de vie, mourait consumé par le feu, et renaissait aussitôt de ses cendres. Au sens large ou par extension, Le Phénix désigne un être  unique en son genre.

"The phoenix (from the ancient Greek φοῖνιξ/phoînix), is a legendary bird endowed with great longevity and characterized by its power to be reborn from the ashes after being consumed in the flames. It symbolizes the cycles of death and rebirth. Its modern nickname is the firebird or the rare bird."


Certain Renard gascon, d'autres disent normand,
Mourant presque de faim, vit au haut  d'une treille
Des raisins mûrs apparemment,
Et couverts d'une peau vermeille.

Le Galand en eut fait volontiers un repas;
Mais comme il n'y pouvait point atteindre :
Ils sont trop verts, dit-il, et bons pour des goujats.
Fit-il pas mieux que de se plaindre?



La Cigale, ayant chanté tout l'été,
Se trouva fort dépourvue
Quand la bise fut venue.
Pas un seul petit morceau
De mouche ou de vermisseau.

Elle alla crier famine
Chez la Fourmi sa voisine,
La priant de lui prêter
Quelque grain pour subsister

Jusqu'à la saison nouvelle.
Je vous paierai, lui dit-elle,
Avant l'août, foi d'animal,
Intérêt et principal.


La Fourmi n'est pas prêteuse ;
C'est là son moindre défaut.
Que faisiez-vous au temps chaud ?
Dit-elle à cette emprunteuse.

Nuit et jour à tout venant
Je chantais, ne vous déplaise.
Vous chantiez ? j'en suis fort aise :
Et bien ! dansez maintenant.

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Le Phénix La Cité Photo.jpg

"Only battles that have not been fought are lost in advance!"    - Lucius Annaeus Seneca (c. 4 BC-AD 65) -

      "Choisir le doute comme philosophie de vie, c'est choisir l'immobilité comme moyen de transport."

Home: Our Mission
Rideau Rocks Music Project.jpeg

Rideau Rocks Music Project 
We Make Things Happen! - Discover The Artist In You ! 

Le Phénix-Ottawa Enterprises Inc. was created by Fidèle Francis Kiala Buloki, an experienced and knowledgeable multilingual social entrepreneur, registered wedding celebrant and community builder, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Its main objective is to provide top-level services to the Ottawa communities and surroundings by organizing online courses in languages such as English, French, Spanish, German, or Latin, in order to promote bi-/multilingualism in Canada and thus the mutual integration of learners in their host society.

Through its inclusive and innovative approach, the Ottawa-Overbrook based social organization also specializes in the promotion of cultural diversity, through the establishment of developmental and educational projects in music, art, sport, reading or writing activities.

“The new music project that our team has been working on for some time in collaboration with the Rideau Rockcliffe Community Resource Center (RRCRC) is called: "Rideau Rocks! Discover The Artist In You!". The main goal of this project is to support and educate young people through music, especially those from underprivileged areas of Ottawa such as Vanier, Overbrook, or Manor Park. We thus organize free lessons to learn guitar or songs from various sources. The final objective is the creation of a band or a musical group intended to promote the integration of young people and their families in the rich Canadian cultural diversity.”

Le Phénix-Ottawa Enterprises Inc. a été créée par Fidèle Francis Kiala Buloki, un entrepreneur social, célébrant agréé de mariage et bâtisseur communautaire polyglotte expérimenté, au début de la pandémie de Covid-19. L’objectif principal de l’association est de fournir un service de haute qualité aux communautés de la capitale Ottawa et des environs, en organisant des cours en ligne dans des langues telles que l'anglais, le français, l'espagnol, l'allemand ou le latin, afin de promouvoir le plurilinguisme au Canada, aussi bien que l'intégration mutuelle des apprenant-e-s dans leur société d'accueil.

Grâce à son approche inclusive et innovante, cet organisme social basé à Ottawa-Overbrook se spécialise également dans la promotion de la diversité culturelle, par la mise en place de projets de développement et éducatifs à travers la musique, l'art, le sport, des activités de lecture ou d'écriture. 


« Le nouveau projet musical sur lequel notre équipe travaille depuis quelques mois, en collaboration avec le Centre des Ressources Communautaires Rideau Rockcliffe (CRCRR), s'appelle: "Rideau Rocks! Découvre l'artiste en toi! Le but premier de ce projet est l'encadrement et l'éducation des jeunes par la musique, notamment ceux des quartiers défavorisés d'Ottawa comme Vanier, Overbrook ou Manorpark. Nous organisons ainsi des leçons gratuites d'apprentissage de guitare ou de chansons de provenance diverse. L'objectif final est la création d'un orchestre ou d'un groupe musical destiné à favoriser l'intégration des jeunes et de leurs familles dans la riche diversité culturelle canadienne. »


Le Phénix-Ottawa: French, English, German & Spanish Tutoring Service 

«Open Schools, You Will Close Prisons!» (Victor Hugo)

"Learning a foreign language is an exciting endeavor that can change your life by exposing you to new cultures, people, and places. Furthermore, speaking a second language undeniably opens an array of new doors for you in terms of employment. But to reap these benefits, first, you need to learn the language.

Learning a new language is great for traveling. German philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein is credited with saying that “the limits of your language are the limits of your world,” and he was right. Knowing more than one language opens up your vacation destination possibilities. Traveling through a foreign country becomes much easier if you can speak the language of that country. Fluency isn’t required. Locals anywhere appreciate that you’ve taken the time to at least attempt to learn and communicate in their tongue. It shows a greater level of respect and is an easy way to meet new people. Also, getting to a comfortable speaking level in a foreign language is a great motivator to get you out there and practicing your new language in a new country.

You become smarter. Acquiring a second language improves your memory and increases your attention span. The process of becoming bilingual exercises your brain challenges you to concentrate, and boosts your problem-solving skills. Bilingual students tend to score higher on standardized tests than monolingual students, especially in the areas of vocabulary, reading, and math. As you learn to toggle from one language to another, you improve your multitasking abilities. Bilingual individuals have also been shown to be more logical and rational, have better decision-making skills, and be more perceptive and aware of their surroundings.

Learning a second language also improves your native language, as it teaches you the mechanics and structure behind any language—not just new languages. You’ll stay smarter for longer! Recent research has shown that bilingualism can stave off the effects of Alzheimer’s and dementia by years. Regardless of their education level, gender or occupation, bilingual subjects in the linked study experienced the onset of Alzheimer’s, on average, 4.5 years later than monolingual subjects did. Study results from the American Academy of Neurology are showing that speaking more than one language increases the number of neural pathways in the brain, allowing information to be processed through a greater variety of channels. They’ve also begun to demonstrate that multilingualism improves development in the brain’s areas of executive function and attention, no matter what age the language learner is.


So what’s the best way to soak up a foreign language in the shortest amount of time? Immersion. Now, we know that few have the time and money to simply hop on a plane and head to the nearest country that speaks your target language, and that’s exactly why we’ve developed this program for you. There are so many useful ways, tools, and tricks to immerse yourself in a foreign language right now, no matter where you currently live. Let’s get started!"


(Rachel Wagers, The Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion, FluentU, p.2-4)


Our Offers:

  • Tutoring for High School and University/College Students

  • French, English, German & Spanish After School Program* 

  • Individual or small group support 

  • Preparation for government language proficiency exams       

  • Flexible appointments may also be made in the evening or at the weekend​

  • Brush up on a language you learned in high school

  • In-person services available in Ottawa (only) and remote by Zoom (globally)

  • Translation of administrative documents or letters

  • Guitar lessons*                                     *(free for students from disadvantaged families)                  



      "Never stop learning because life nevers stops teaching - Nunca dejes de aprender, porque la vida nunca deja de enseñar."

Fidèle Francis and Julie Ann on "The Sound of Music Tour" - Wolfgangsee/Salzburg (Austria) - W. A. Mozart's Birthplace - July 19, 2019

"Le bonheur, ce n'est pas d'avoir tout ce que tu veux... mais d'aimer tout ce que tu as."

Tutoring Service
Contact Us Now!

Phone:   1.613.252.3948



Poem On Education : 

Every child we teach is a man we earn.
Ninety thieves out of a hundred who are in prison
Never went to school once,
And cannot read, and sign with a cross.


It was in this shadow that they found the crime.
Ignorance is the night that begins the abyss.
Where reason crawls, honesty perishes.

God, the first author of everything we write,

Has put, on this earth where men are drunk,
The wings of spirits in the pages of books.

Any man opening a book finds a wing there, and can
Hover up there where the free soul moves.


The school is a sanctuary as much as the chapel.
The alphabet that the child with his finger spells
Contains under each letter a virtue, the heart
Light up gently in this humble light.


So give the little child the little book.

Walk, lamp in hand, so he can follow you.

The night produced error and error in the attack.
Without education, we throw in the state


Animal men, unfinished heads,

Sad instincts that go to the sore eyes,

Frightening blind people, with sepulchral eyes,
Who is groping in the moral world

Let’s turn on the spirits, this is our first law,
And from the vilest tallow let's make a light.

Intelligence wants to be open down here,
The germ has the right to hatch, and who does not think
Do not live.


These thieves had the right to live.
Let’s think about it, the school in gold changes copper,

While ignorance of lead turns to gold.
I say these thieves had a treasure,

Their immortal, august and necessary thought,
I say that they have the right, from the bottom of their misery,

To turn to you, to whom the day smiles,
And to ask you to account for their spirit,


I say they were the man and we made him the bully,

I say that I blame us and that I pity their fall,

I say that it is they who are the spoiled,
I say that the packages which they defiled


Have as their starting point what is not their fault,

Could they light the torch that they take away from them?

They are the unfortunates and not the enemies.

The first crime was committed on themselves,
We have thought put out the flame in them:
And society stole their souls from them.



(Victor Hugo - Artist, Writer, Poet, Novelist & French Politician - 1802-1885)


Poème sur l’instruction : 


Chaque enfant qu’on enseigne est un homme qu’on gagne.
Quatre-vingt-dix voleurs sur cent qui sont au bagne
Ne sont jamais allés à l’école une fois,
Et ne savent pas lire, et signent d’une croix.


C’est dans cette ombre-là qu’ils ont trouvé le crime.
L’ignorance est la nuit qui commence l’abîme.
Où rampe la raison, l’honnêteté périt.
Dieu, le premier auteur de tout ce qu’on écrit,


A mis, sur cette terre où les hommes sont ivres,
Les ailes des esprits dans les pages des livres.
Tout homme ouvrant un livre y trouve une aile, et peut
Planer là-haut où l’âme en liberté se meut.


L’école est sanctuaire autant que la chapelle.
L’alphabet que l’enfant avec son doigt épelle
Contient sous chaque lettre une vertu, le cœur
S’éclaire doucement à cette humble lueur.


Donc au petit enfant donnez le petit livre.
Marchez, la lampe en main, pour qu’il puisse vous suivre. 
La nuit produit l’erreur et l’erreur l’attentat.
Faute d’enseignement, on jette dans l’état


Des hommes animaux, têtes inachevées,
Tristes instincts qui vont les prunelles crevées,
Aveugles effrayants, au regard sépulcral,
Qui marchent à tâtons dans le monde moral.


Allumons les esprits, c’est notre loi première,
Et du suif le plus vil faisons une lumière.
L’intelligence veut être ouverte ici-bas.
Le germe a droit d’éclore, et qui ne pense pas

Ne vit pas.


Ces voleurs avaient le droit de vivre.
Songeons-y bien, l’école en or change le cuivre.
Tandis que l’ignorance en plomb transforme l’or.
Je dis que ces voleurs possédaient un trésor,


Leur pensée immortelle, auguste et nécessaire,
Je dis qu’ils ont le droit, du fond de leur misère,
De se tourner vers vous, à qui le jour sourit,
Et de vous demander compte de leur esprit,


Je dis qu’ils étaient l’homme et qu’on en fit la brute.
Je dis que je nous blâme et que je plains leur chute.
Je dis que ce sont eux qui sont les dépouillés.
Je dis que les forfaits dont ils se sont souillés


Ont pour point de départ ce qui n’est pas leur faute.
Pouvaient-ils s’éclairer du flambeau qu’on leur ôte ?
Ils sont les malheureux et non les ennemis.


Le premier crime fut sur eux-mêmes commis.
On a de la pensée éteint en eux la flamme.
Et la société leur a volé leur âme.

Rideau Rocks Music Project

Julie Ann and Anastasie - Besançon (France), Victor Hugo's Birthplace - July 2019

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Julie Ann and Fidèle Francis with Odette, Bradley and Benjamin on the shores of Lake Geneva (Geneva - Swuitzerland - July 2019)

Ready to learn and improve your French, English, German or Spanish? Are you ready to learn -finally!- to play the guitar and live a long ignored passion? Le Phénix-Ottawa is here for you. Contact us with any questions you may have regarding our offers, events, or teachers.

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« Le chemin est long du projet à la chose... Plus grand est l'obstacle, et plus grande est la gloire de le surmonter. »

(Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, dit Molière - acteur, artisteécrivain et scénariste français - 1622 - 1673)

"Strong desire is necessary when you are contemplating trying something new or making a big change... If despite difficulties and doubts your desire beckons you to move forward, that's a good indication you are where you need to be." 

(Patricia Heaton, Your Second Act. Inspiring Stories of Reinvention, p. 106)

"J'ai décidé d'être heureux, parce que c'est bon pour la santé." (Voltaire)

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